Saturday, January 3, 2009

Robert David Fant

I just wanted to take a minute to honor my uncle David, who died this past week. He was diagnosed this past spring with an inoperable brain tumor. David was first and foremost a devoted follower of Christ, as well as a loving father, and a caring doctor. I wish we could have had more time with him here, but I know that he is at peace now with Our Father. Today was David's birthday and funeral and our thoughts and prayers are with my family in Kentucky- my dad (David's brother) and my mema, my Aunt Suzanne, and most especially my cousins and his daughters Charlie and Jessie. Nathan and I wish so much that we could be there to grieve with them and to honor David's life, but our current circumstances made that impossible. We are reminded at times like this of how short life is and how important it is to cherish our time with our family and friends. As we have been blessed with new life, I know that Charlie and Jessie have experienced a loss I cannot even comprehend. The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away...blessed be the name of the Lord.


Courtney said...

You guys were missed. David was a strong, amazing man of great faith and it was clear this weekend that he will not only be missed by his family, but by most all of Kentucky too. You would have been so proud of Charli and Jessie.

The Loftis Family said...

Katie, we will be praying for you family and especially those kids.

Megan said...

What a beautiful tribute to your Uncle. I had no idea he had passed until they made the announcement in church. I am so sorry. We are clearly not seeing each other enough.

I will pray for your family.

Amber said...

I was so sorry to hear about your uncle.