Friday, April 24, 2009

Tucker, 4 months

I can't believe how fast the time goes. Tucker is growing so fast and is coming into his own little personality already. He loves his toes and I think that is the reason he will not roll over yet (has done it a couple of times on the couch, but not on the floor yet)- he just lays on his back and grabs his toes and rolls side-to-side. He also loves to babble...and slobber. Of course, everything goes in his mouth, especially his fingers. Lately he has found his thumb a few times too. Most days he manages to soak the top front of his shirts, but he doesn't seem to mind. Tucker loves to be held facing out. He wants to watch what id going on around him. He is like his brother in that he would rather sit up or stand than snuggle...guess I'll have to have a girl to get a cuddler. He still loves to be hugged on and loves attention so we have a fun time playing together. He loves his brother, although he is learning to be prepares for anything when he comes barreling up to him.

Tucker has hit a rough patch at night. He was doing so good...and then he got a cold. All you mothers know how that can mess up these little guys. We have been up a lot these past 2 weeks, but I think he is finally getting over it. The last 2 nights have been better- not great- but getting back to where we were before. He is still coughing some, which wakes him up, but we are back to eating only once and sleeping till after 7 again, so I think we are on the right track. He got his 4 month shots on Monday and has been a little out of sorts this week...maybe next week we can get back to normal. Oh well, I still wouldn't trade a day without him.

We love you Tuck!


Mindi Tipps said...

He looks more and more like you, Katie. His eyes are amazing!

Courtney said...

He has changed so much even since Easter! Those pictures are so cute!

Hello blog buddies! It's me, Crouse! said...

Katie, he is so cute! I can't really tell who he looks like, but I think Griffin looks like you! Take care! Love you!

Shelley said...

So cute!