Friday, May 22, 2009

Tucker, 5 months

Tucker, you are getting so big. The time goes by so fast that I am already a week behind in writing this post. So much has changed in a month. You are rolling over...all over. You can roll both ways and often find yourself in precarious situations now because of it. You LOVE to talk...and scream. You yell out when you are happy, frustrated, and just plain mad. You like to hear your voice. It is no wonder in this family- you must yell to be heard sometimes. You are finally sleeping better at night. No, I did not say sleeping ALL night, but much improved from a few weeks ago. I can't complain much because you go down for naps and bed so easily and you take such nice, long naps. You love your brother, although he sometimes gets in your face a little more than you like. Kate Cherry let you borrow her exerciser and you love to stand up in it. While you love exploring new objects, grabbing at anything within sight and putting it straight to your mouth, you tend to get frustrated when it doesn't fit just like you like it. We started giving you some cereal, but you don't really care for that yet. Hopefully that will change over the next few months. You show us your love all the time with your 2-fisted grabbing at our face and your big, open mouth "kisses". Tucker, we love you and can't wait for what is in store over the next month.


Megan said...

Look at those big blue eyes! So glad to hear about the improved sleeping. I look forward to seeing Tucker roll over. I guess that means I have to put him down and not just hold him the entire time while I am visiting. bummer. :)

Christy Brockman said...

He is getting so big! Enjoy this time....

Bekki said...

He is sooooo cute!!! He looks so happy!

Jeremy & Robin said...

So handsome & so big!!

Grandma Melinda said...

What a sweet faced little boy. He is such a cute thing...We can't wait to see you all again.

Amber said...

Oh, Tucker, you are getting so big! Good job on the rolling and long naps. :)

Courtney said...

Those are great pictures! I can't wait to see you guys next week!