Thursday, March 18, 2010

Thoughts on Heaven

Griffin has been very curious lately about dying and heaven. I am writing this blog for my own purposes, in an attempt to record his questions.

On our walk the other day, Griffin told me he did not want to go to heaven when he was 14 because he wanted to be 15 and then 16...

When we were camping last weekend, we were talking about the danger of getting too close to the fire and how it burns things. Somehow that led to a discussion about our bodies and how we will get new bodies in heaven. Today at breakfast, Griffin told me he did not want to get a new body yet.

Today at lunch Griffin said, "I can't hear Mema". I said, "Why would you think you could hear Mema". He said, "Cause she's in heaven". He also asked me several questions: Why can we not hear Jesus and God? Why do they have hearts?

The other day in the car, Griffin asked me why God did not let people come back to earth after they died. This led to a discussion about what God can do and why he chooses to let us go to heaven and not come back to earth. Then he asked me, "When Jesus died on the cross, why did he have all that blood". He then wanted to talk about him coming back and raising from the dead. If these questions get any harder, I am going to need to start studying first :)


Cherrys said...

Wonder if he and John Paul have been talking? About a month ago, John Paul started asking lots of questions about heaven, Jesus death, and death in general. One day, he even started crying because he didn't want to go to heaven yet. Precious boys...precious memories.

Courtney said...

Glad you had one first - When Lily starts all that I am going to be calling you! His little mind and heart are too precious. Now I sound like Grandmother... but I guess there could be worse things!