Monday, October 10, 2011

Hands and Feet

Our church (spearheaded by a few good friends) has begun a new ministry called Hands and Feet. It is a way to serve others and allow our children to be apart as well. Our first project was on Sunday night. We met at the church, made cookies together, decorated and packaged them, and then delivered them to a children's home in Round Rock. It was a great experience. Even with Tucker saying he was hungry no less than 50 times, he willingly participated in making the cookies and decorating the box. Griffin made a sweet card. It was really neat delivering the cookies. We went to 2 homes and met the moms and kids at the first home while they were out playing. At the 2nd home no one was there, so we left the cookies (we also left our mark as Griffin broke their flag holder, but that led to another lesson learned :)). We talked alot about what we were doing and why and it was a great experience. We are looking forward to the next one.


Mindi Tipps said...

I feel the need to clarify that I am not picking my nose in the first picture! :)

Glad you guys were able to join and serve with us. We enjoyed it too!

The Smith Family said...

Ha!Ha! I didnt even see that- sorry :)