Thursday, April 26, 2012

trip to the beach

Griffin has been asking for some time now when we are going to get to go to the beach.  We have contemplated planning a beach trip with some of our friends, but schedules are so busy we have never made it happen.  A family vacation to the beach is really not a good option for us right now with ours being so little.  So, when I found out our district track meet would be in Kingsville this year, I talked Nathan into taking 2 dyas off and coming down with us.  We left on Wed afternoon with the team and spent the night in Kingsville.  The track meet was on Thursday (which we won!) and then we drove to Port Aransas Thursday evening.  The boys all swam that night at the hotel and we hada a nice relaxing evening.  The next morning we spent about 2 hours at the beach...and that was about all we needed.  Griffin loved it and could have played all day but Tucker wanted nothing to do with the water (he loved the sand) and Reese just got filthy and ate sand :)  All in all it was good family time.  The waves were really choppy, but the sky was overcast so the weather was nice.  We even made it back for Griffin's make up soccer game that evening.

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