Wednesday, September 26, 2007

1st Day of School

Well, not really, but this is as close as we will get for a while. Griffin and I subbed yesterday for the first time in Children's Ark. I know all you mom's who have taken your little ones for the first time to Mother's Day Out or even Kindergarten know that this is nothing compared to what I am in for, but it was a milestone for us. Griffin went to the toddler class, lunch box in hand, and he managed to make it without me for most of the time. (I was in the Preschool II class) I peaked in on him during lunch and he was sitting at the table with all the other "big boys and girls" (well, they were bigger than him at least) and eating his lunch. I was so proud. Of course, 10 minutes later he was crying and ended up spending the rest of the afternoon with me, but what do you expect for your first day. :) It really hit me that these "firsts" are just beginning and he is growing up way too fast for me.

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