Monday, October 12, 2009

Fry's Fun Farm

Every year at Griffin's school they have the farm come to visit. It seems like we have lots of "petting zoo" pictures, and to be honest they all start to look the same to me, but I must record the moment. Even Tucker got in on the action.


Courtney said...

Pictures of kids and animals never get old! We were hoping to take some of our own at the fair today, but even after saying "ammals, YEAH!" all morning, Lily was too overwhelmed to get close to the real thing.

Megan said...

It's funny I was thinking the exact same thing when we were at the zoo. how many different and exciting zoo pictures can you take when basically it is the back of your child's head with some nondescript animal in the background.

all that to say I enjoyed your pictures and I'm glad you shared. :)