Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Family Retreat

Every year our church has a family retreat at the HEB camp in Leakey the last weekend in April (I know, this post is WAY behind). I had to coach at our district track meet, so Nathan took the boys by himself on Friday. I joined them on Saturday afternoon and they looked to have had a good time. The campsite is so pretty and the weather was great. The boys played in the sand, went hiking, played in the water, and rode in the canoes. On Saturday night Griffin performed in the talent show, singing "When we all get to Heaven" with the help of Carter and Abbie Boyd. It was precious. The boys were so good the first night, that Nathan kept both of them in his bunk on Saturday night as well (lucky me!)

Here are some of the pictures of the weekend. I am working on the video of Griffin singing.

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