Monday, June 30, 2008

Camp Agape

Camp Agape is a week-long day camp for grades 1-6 hosted by Brentwood Oaks, the church we attend. It has been going on at Brentwood for many years and is a favorite camp among not only the members of Brentwood, but many friends and children from the neighborhood as well. Throughout the week, approximately 150 campers participate in Bible, sports, crafts, swimming, and many other theme-related activities. For the past 4 years, Nathan and I have co-directed this camp with another friend from church. While it has turned out to be a little bigger job then we originally realized, it has been an amazing and rewarding experience for us to watch each year as our ideas take shape and come to life and the stories from God's word are planted in the lives of these children. This year's theme was I AM. The setting was Egypt and the campers were given the chance to experience what it was like for the Israelite people as God delivered them from slavery. During the week the campers made bricks, built a pyramid, learned about life in Egypt for Christians today, and many other activities. The first few pictures are of our stage set and the pyramid the kids built (they put on the bricks they had made). Even thought there is a preschool and nursery for volunteers children, Griffin did not participate that much since my mom was in town that week. He did, however. come to some of the opening assemblies where he loved to dance and learned all the songs. He also played on the slip-n-slides one day as well. The last few pictures are of Griffin, of course.


Mindi Tipps said...

I know the kids are blessed by your hard work and effort! Maybe I'll ber able to help out next year!

Sarah said...

I can't believe I haven't commented since you posted about the big news! Congratulations! I also love that Griffin is such a dancer. He is too cute, as will be his new baby sister or brother!

Janet @ Simply Pieced said...

I love the pic of Griffin going down the slide. That's hilarious!