Here are some 3 month pictures I took today- only a week late. Tucker is smiling more and more these days and laughs out loud, mostly when playing with Daddy. He loves his bath and he loves to sit up- he is even starting to like sitting in his Bumbo seat. He will sit up, facing out in anyones lap for as long as they can stand it. He LOVES watching his older brother, which is very helpful for mommy when she is trying to get things done. I think it wont be long until he rolls over- although he hates being on his tummy, so it is hard to give him time to practice.
Tucker has regressed a little in his sleeping. He was going for about 7 hours before waking at night to eat and then not getting up until around 7:30-8 for the day. The last 2-3 weeks he has started waking up once around 2 and needs his paci and a little patting to settle back down until 3 or 4, when I usually feed him. I am still only feeding him once at night, but that hasnt helped the waking up. He is also stirring around 6:30-7 and is getting up around 7-7:30. He has had a runny nose most of this time so I am hoping when that clears all up, he will stay asleep better.
Tucker is usually good natured, although he likes to be held and his little temper has not gone away. He mostly lets loose now when he is tired and it sometimes takes a little bit to calm him down, but then, just as fast as it started, he is quiet, sleeping, and looking like an angel.
We love our little man and can't wait to watch him grow over the next month and see what changed it brings