Thursday, March 26, 2009


Griffin's latest project around the house is to build forts. He has built them in every room in every possible spot- mostly places that are in the way of course. He takes every pillow and blanket from every room and puts them all together to make his fort. Not so bad, you say- keeps him busy and easy to clean up, right? That's what I thought...until I realized he was dumping all of his toys from his tubs in his room into the fort- we are talking cars, memory cards, toy people and animals- it is quite a mess. We have come to a pretty good compromise now- he gets to build his forts and put his stuffed animals in it, but nothing else. It works most of the time...until I get busy and stop paying attention. Oh well, he is having fun. As you can see from the pictures, mommy got the idea to let Tucker join in the fun- it actually kept them both entertained for a few minutes while I got something done- that is about all you can ask for these days :)


Mindi Tipps said...

I used to love building these when I was a kid! Jeff did too. He said his had tunnels and rooms and stuff. Too fancy for me. :)

Bekki said...

That looks like so much fun! Griff and Tucker are going to have so much fun growing up together.

The Loftis Family said...

Glad you're letting him still build his forts...We used to make tents all the time, too. I'm assuming the first pic is sideways, or poor Tucker did a great job of not falling!:)