We had a wonderful Christmas this year. Of course, our best present came a week early, but Griffin did not disappoint. He loved opening his presents and our house is now full of more stuff than he can possibly play with and there is still more to come when Grandma and Grandpa come this week. If you ask Griffin what he got for Christmas, though, he will say "snacks". Maybe next year that is all Santa should bring...
Monday, December 29, 2008
Christmas Morning
We had a wonderful Christmas this year. Of course, our best present came a week early, but Griffin did not disappoint. He loved opening his presents and our house is now full of more stuff than he can possibly play with and there is still more to come when Grandma and Grandpa come this week. If you ask Griffin what he got for Christmas, though, he will say "snacks". Maybe next year that is all Santa should bring...
Saturday, December 27, 2008
My New Nephew Grant William

I just wanted to introduce my new nephew and the first child for my Brother Jason and his wife Traci. He was born Dec. 19th at around 7 pm. We were both set to induce on the same day but Tucker beat us to it and wanted to be first. I know these two boys are going to be good friends as they get older along with their 8 month old cousin Shelby and of course Griffin. The dog (Jax) was their first baby...I'm sure he is just loving that someone else is getting most of the attention.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Our Weekend
Well, we are now back at home and I thought it was time to update our blog and get some more pictures up. Here are a few pictures and the update first and then I will make a slide show later with more pictures.
Everything went so well and we could not feel more blessed. As Nathan said in the post below, Tucker Robert Smith was born at 1:23 on Thursday morning. We stayed in the hospital until Saturday- let's just say we were really ready to go by then. I am very grateful to all those who do the jobs of taking care of the new babies and moms, but it can get a little tiring and annoying after a while- you are just ready to go home and do it all on your own. My mom flew into town on Thursday afternoon and she took care of Griffin from then on. Griffin loves his "baby broder" and he gives LOTS of kisses...of course after a few minutes he is ready to get down and play. The hospital room was a little small for a two year old to play in (another reason we were ready to go home). We got home on Saturday afternoon and my mom cooked dinner, which was really nice. She and Griffin and Nathan went to church on Sunday morning and Nathan's parents came on Sunday afternoon. They had been in Houston with Nathan's brother and sister-in-law who were having there first child, a son Grant, born on Friday evening. Our family is so blessed! We even ventured out the half-mile to church on Sunday evening. Nathan smoked chicken for us last night and it was so yummy. We are looking forward to having family in town and Nathan home for the next two weeks before reality sets in. :)
Tucker is such a good boy. Of course, he has slept most of the time the past few days, but is starting to wake up a couple of times during the day now. He does not cry much, only when he is hungry or being changed- he doesn't like that at all! He is sleeping pretty good at night- he usually has one stretch where he goes right to sleep and sleeps 2-3 hours and the rest of the time he takes a little while to get settled after eating (Nathan gets the job of putting the pacifier back in his mouth) but then goes to sleep for an hour or two more. He is easily settled so at least one of us is able to get some sleep at all times. He does like to pee with his diaper off and has extended our nightime feeding/changing routine by about 15 minutes to change clothes, bed sheets, etc...
All-in-all we are doing great and loving our new addition to our family. Thanks for all those who came to visit and who have had us in your thoughts and prayers. We love you all and can't wait for everyone to meet Tucker.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
At 1:23am, Tucker Robert Smith was born. Katie and Tucker are doing great! I'm hanging in there too :) Katie began to feel something around 8:15, just as church was letting out. It is a good thing I had just called in sick about 5 minutes earlier...I guess thats what I get.
We are now starting what is sure to be a long night but I can't think of a better reason to loose sleep. Tucker is finishing up his first bath and is just loving it as you can imagine. I'm sure Katie will write much more in the next day or so...my job was just to get the word out. I do want to leave you with a few laughs that we had right before we set out for the hospital.
Just before we set out to take Griffin to the Walkers (thanks Tasha and Joseph), griffin noticed that mommy wasn't feeling very well...He is very observant like that. A couple times, as katie was leaning forward and gripping our footboard, grimacing in pain, Griffin crawled up underneith her and asked, "mommy, what are you doing with your eyes." Then, I was sharing some chocolate covered sunflower seeds with him to distract him and our sweet boy went up to his mommy with a handful and said, "here mommy, this will make your tummy feel better." We couldn't help but laugh.
What a great kid! We are so blessed to add another one to our home. We can't wait for you to meet him! We will see you all soon.
Nathan, Katie, Griffin and Tucker
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Main Street Bethlehem
This past Saturday we took another Christmas trip up to Burnet, Texas to walk through an enclosed Bethlehem Village and witness what it might have been like on the night Jesus was born. If you have never been there and you live in the Austin area, I would highly recommend it. It is really amazing- I have never been to or heard of anything quite this elaborate. It is a full village complete with live animals, hundreds of people playing roles as different people who worked and lived back then, rooms with jewlery, beds, tables, pottery, breadmaking, a jail, an inn, and, of course, the stable with Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus. It is so detailed there is no way to do it justice- you just have to see it. This was our 2nd time to go- last year it was cold and rainy and we walked right in. This year...we got there and the line weaved in and out around the entire town square. We waited about 2 hours to get in and it was very crowded, but well worth it (even at 9 months pregnant, although I did have to sit a few times and rest my feet). Our pictures really do not do it justice- it is hard to get a picture of how big and realistic this event really is- and it is all free to anyone. Megan took many more pictures than we did and I am sure has some good ones of the village- I may have to get a few from her and add another post later. The picture of Griffin in a fire truck is not part of the village- it was there for the kids while we waited.

Monday, December 15, 2008
Breakfast with Santa
Brentwood does a Breakfast with Santa every year at Applebees. You buy a ticket for an All-You-Can_eat pancake breakfast and enjoy eating and visiting with friends, while Santa is there the whole time to meet and take pictures with your kids as many times as you like. It is a great family outing and Griffin really liked Santa this year, so it made it more fun.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Griffin the Shepherd
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Trip to Gruene
Last weekend we went to Gruene, Texas with our friends, the Drennons. It was their Christmas town lighting and Market Days and we had heard Cowboy Kringle was stopping by. We had a great time shopping and tasting samples, eating the best sandwich in the world, watching Cowboy Kringle ride up on his horse and light the town, and just playing and visiting. It was a great trip and I am glad we were able to make it with such good friends.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Partnership Dinner

The Partnership Dinner is an annual fundraiser for Brentwood Christian School that we were fortunate enough ti be invited to again this year (thanks Vandygriffs!) It is a lot of fun to get dressed up, have a nice meal and evening out, although this year it was a little harder to find something to wear. Thanks to Megan for taking the picture and for making it a head shot :)
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Getting ready for Christmas
This past weekend since we were here for Thanksgiving, we decided to go ahead and get our tree and decorate for Christmas. I figure I need to use every free moment I have now since my time to decorate, shop, etc..between Thanksgiving and Christmas could be cut short at any moment if this boy decides he's ready to join the outside world. We decorated the tree and watched the Polar Express, while drinking "hot coffee" (it is actually hot chocolate but that is what he liked to call it). We had a great time and can't wait for many more Christmas memories this year.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving
I am a couple of days behind, but still wanted to record our holiday and to share all of our blessings. We had a sort of non-traditional Thanksgiving this year. Nathan had to work and I am not allowed to travel so we stayed here for Thanksgiving. Griffin and I had lunch with Nathan at work on Thursday and then were graciously invited to our neighbors and church friends (and my former boss') house to share Thanksgiving with them. Nathan, Griffin, and I did our celebrating on Friday. We had a Dr.'s appointment where we heard our little boy is doing just great. Then we took Griffin to see Madagascar 2- his first movie in a theatre. He did well, getting a little squirmy at the end, but otherwise loving the big screen, popcorn, and "sody". That afternoon we picked out our Christmas tree and watched some Christmas movies while Nathan smoked pulled pork. It was yummy and we have enough to eat on all week. I am so incredibly blessed that I do not even know where to begin, but I do want to list just a few of the many things I am thankful for.
I am thankful for...
A husband who loves God and his family and is such a wonderful, active Dad and Husband
Griffin's love of life, his MANY questions, his amazing insight and understanding- even though it often gets him into trouble, and his loving, caring heart
Our son who is growing inside me and will join our family in about 3 weeks. I am thankful that he is healthy and growing and I can't wait to meet him
Christian parents, siblings and in-laws who all put their Faith first and are the reason that Nathan and I are who we are today
Our church home and all of our wonderful friends at Brentwood who help us out in so many ways
Our home and Nathan's job- although it is easy to get discouraged when you are not in the place you would like to be financially, we are just thankful to have a job and a house and are continually surprised by God;s wonderful provision for our lives
I am thankful for...
A husband who loves God and his family and is such a wonderful, active Dad and Husband
Griffin's love of life, his MANY questions, his amazing insight and understanding- even though it often gets him into trouble, and his loving, caring heart
Our son who is growing inside me and will join our family in about 3 weeks. I am thankful that he is healthy and growing and I can't wait to meet him
Christian parents, siblings and in-laws who all put their Faith first and are the reason that Nathan and I are who we are today
Our church home and all of our wonderful friends at Brentwood who help us out in so many ways
Our home and Nathan's job- although it is easy to get discouraged when you are not in the place you would like to be financially, we are just thankful to have a job and a house and are continually surprised by God;s wonderful provision for our lives
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Getting Baptized
A few weeks ago there was a baptism of a friend after church and Griffin got to witness it. He was really mesmerized and talked about it a lot afterward. Nathan told him that you get baptized because you love God. Fast forward to today. Griffin was sitting on the couch watching TV and eating his breakfast (yes, we eat our waffles while watching Tigger and Pooh most mornings) He was in his underwear only (Because he is a messy eater) and told me he was cold, he was going to cover up. I went to the kitchen to clean up and he covered himself with pillows on the couch. Then he yelled to me, "Mommy I am getting baptized". I came into the room and said, "you are- why do you want to be baptized?" He said, "Cause God loves me." These are the precious moments we as moms live for.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Crazy Hair
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Pumpkin carving
I am backtracking a little, but here are some pictures of us getting ready for Halloween. Griffin painted a pumpkin and He and I carved one. Nathan did the big one. Griffin loved cleaning all the goo out of the inside. I even got creative this year and cooked the seeds- they were actually pretty good.

Sunday, November 2, 2008
I have a LOT of pictures from our busy week, but I will start tonight with pictures from Halloween. Griffin LOVED being a scarecrow and even talked us into being a scarecrow family for our trick-or-treat-a-trunk. We had a great time as always- Griffin got into it a lot more this year so that was fun. He of course got more candy than any of us need. Here are just a few pictures of the evening.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Can you spell G-R-I-F-F-I-N?
Griffin is talking so much these days- he sings all the time and never ceases to surprise me with the new things he says and does. Today we were walking to Ladies Bible Class at church- we also walk to school 2 days a week- and he said, "I don't want to ride in the car, I want to walk. This walk is my favorite thing to do." Don't you just love those moments with your children? Here is Griffin spelling his name- I made up the song on the way to school that morning and he remembered it that night with no help. Sorry it is sideways- can't figure that one out. I also included a video of him singing to his cousin Lily- I just thought it was sweet the way Lily watched him sing. She really liked Griffin!
Monday, October 27, 2008
October Trip to Arkansas
We made our final trip to Arkansas with just the three of us. Griffin left early- Nathan's parents were in Austin the weekend before and he went back with them (yes, it was tough to let him go for 6 days but he had a blast with all the grandparents). He spent the first few days with the Smith's , then went to my parents house to hang out until we arrived on Wednesday. The picture of him in the flour is before we arrived, of course. I do not have any pictures yet from the Smith's- when I get a few I will post them. We arrived late Wednesday night and were so excited to see our boy again. We spent Thursday and Friday visiting family and letting Griffin play with his cousins- as you can see in the pictures below. On Saturday, we went to a pumpkin patch with Nathan's extended family and went to the Harding football game and then the Homecoming play that evening. It was a full day, but a lot of fun. We traveled most of the day on Sunday and I am sure I will be paying for all of Griffin's "fun" the rest of the week.
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Friday, October 24, 2008
Griffin and Cousin Lily
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