Thursday, June 4, 2009

Deep Thoughts by Griffin James

Griffin says lots of things that make me laugh everyday, as I am sure most 2 1/2 year olds do. I find it hard to write about many of them as they take too much explaining to do in writing and then I forget what he said. I am sure many of you can relate. Anyway, more and more this past week he has said something and I have thought to myself, "I have to write that down". Of course I did not and now is my attempt to reclaim those memories and share them. Here are a few of his latest musings:

While looking at the Jeep, waiting for me to put him in his carseat, he spells out "L-I-B-E-R-T-Y", then says "Culvers" (as if that is what it spelled- for those of you not from Austin, that is our favorite hamburger joint)

Griffin always asks me why daddy has to work. I tell him, he has to make money so we can buy our house, and food, clothes, etc... The other day, after eating lunch with Nathan, he was particuarly sad to leave daddy. He told me as we were leaving, "Mommy, daddy doesnt need to work to buy our house because we already buyed it". To which I said, "No, honey, we have to "buy" it every month". He thought, then replied, "We dont have to buy it because God made it for us."

On a walk a couple of weeks ago he asked me why God made those plants with "sharp things" (we have talked about not touching these thorny plants as we walk by them). I went on to explain how God made them that way to protect them and take care of them. I said, "Isnt it neat how God makes things that way" to which he replied, "Yeah, God knows his ABC's" random, but thoughtful.


Emily said...

Very cute...I love the things kids think's always a different perspective then us boring adults!

Courtney said...

Those are so great - keep
'em coming for those of us that don't get to talk to Griffin all the time!

Megan said...

That boy is so smart!

You are such a good Mommy the way your purposefully point out all the wonders of God when answering Griffin's questions. That is something I am trying to do with Kennedy as well.