Thursday, June 18, 2009

Tucker, 6 months

Tucker you are 6 months old today. I know everyone says it, but boy does the time go by fast. Your newest trick is sitting up, and you get more sturdy every day. You grab at everything, my face, earrings, hair, phone, anything in front of you. You are busy just like your brother. Tucker, you are also making lots of noise these days. Not so much babbling as much as grunting. You have this really funny grunting sound you do when you are excited. You have also developed the habit of sticking your tongue out. It is like you are concentrating...maybe we have a future Michael Jordan in our house. Tucker, you love to play...especially peek-a-boo. You are really good at following Daddy and looking for him even when he is not in sight. You are getting to be a lot of fun and I can already see the trouble you and Griffin will get into.

As far as statistics go, you are a little guy- in the 10th percentile in weight according to your check-up today. I know you are little, but I find it hard to believe you are hurting for food- you dont look skinny to me at all! Your belly is round and you have just the right amount of rolls all over. But alas, the doctor says I must pump you full of baby food (which you still show little interest in, but did do a good job with your peaches tonight) and I should not get rid of the 4:30 feeding yet...ughhh! You are worth it though. Hopefully in the next month you will start to eat more and grow more and then we can all sleep more. Tucker, we love you so much and can't wait to watch you grow more and more.


Bekki said...

He is sooooo cute!!! Happy 6 mos!

Megan said...

Love the tongue! Lleyton has started doing that more and more lately, and it is usually when he is focused on something as well. Silly boys...