Thursday, July 9, 2009

Griffin's Songs

Griffin has always been a singer- he sings all the time, especially in the car. He continues to amaze me with how many songs he knows and remembers. However, he doesn't always get all the words right. Here are just a few of his versions of the recent songs I heard him singing in the car.

Father Abraham
"Fader Abraham, had many cents (?) and many cents had Fader Abraham. I don't want a pet, and so are you, so let's all praise the Lord."

He Has Made Me Glad
"Jesus gave me glad, Jesus gave me glad, I will rejoice cause Jesus gave me glad"

Cast Your Burdens
"Cast your burdens, until Jesus, cause he cares for you."

You Are Holy
"You are Holy, You are mighty, you are wordy, wordy of pray"

These are just a few- they of course sound better when you hear it. There is nothing sweeter than hearing your child praise God, even if he is a little off. :)


The Best Family said...

I love it! Great idea to write these down bc you dont want to forget! When Cason was little he sang, "All God's children singing Rolie-Polie, haleleuiah, he wins!, He wins!"

Emily said...

I ADORE these! This is one of my favorite things of kiddos and how they hear and sing songs...that's why I LOVE doing children's worship.

Mindi Tipps said...

One of my favorite things about Griffin are his songs! It's precious and priceless.

The Loftis Family said...

Too funny! Glad you shared those. Good idea to write them down - I so need to start doing that.

Courtney said...

That's awesome. Glad you are recording all those!