Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Sleep Update, #1

Just wanted to say thanks for all the advice- I know everyone is different and every baby is different, so there is no "right way", but I appreciated hearing everyone's ideas and thoughts and sympathies :)

Just to update...things are slowly getting better. We have basically gone to 2 naps during the day and Tucker is eating his baby food so much better- he is now eating 3 meals most days. That has helped. I am trying to feed him and nurse him a lot before bed and I started letting him try and put himself to sleep (without my help finding his pacifier and turning him over) the first time he cried out at night. Yes - I am trying a little bit of everything :) but it has seemed to help. It was hard the first night, but he finally put himself back to sleep and from then on it has been better. He still usually cries out sometime between 3 and 4, but it is mostly whining/fussing, not real crying and he usually puts himself back to sleep within 10 minutes. He is still waking up again between 4:30-6, and I feed him, but not a lot and he goes back to sleep. We are not all the way there yet, but I can see the light :) We have also been out of town and that has affected him, but he has kept pretty consistant through the travel, late nights, etc... We will see how things go now that we are home for a while and can be more consistant.

Again, thanks to all moms for your support! I will update again in a couple of weeks- hopefully with even better news.

1 comment:

Christy Brockman said...

Glad to hear it! It will get better. Being back home will help. :)